Operation Jack’s Village Presents NAVIGATE!

Redefining Secondary Education,

Improving Adolescent Mental Health

Discover - Middle School





Discover IRL Prep Academy and Navigate to an innovative 21st century educational experience; that is individually tailored for middle and high school age students.
— Operation Jack's Village
  • Define scope,objectives and deliverables.

  • Where are we now?

    Where do we want to be?

  • Revise and improve

  • Learn from the experience and improve your future!

  • Measurment and focus is on the students individual growth, not vanity metrics.

Intro to Navigate IRL Prep Academy - Six Sigma

“Change the process- Change the game!”

Improve the environment, Improve adolescent mental health.

  • There are multiple options and opportunities to maximize student mental health and academic outcomes. Find out which combination is the best fit for your child.

    1. Learning environment also has the power to make or break their schooling experience. A child’s experience in school has the ability to define their view of learning for the rest of their lives.

    2. Learning Method

  • We specialize in identifying and working with parents to find and gain access to the best learning process and educational environement for the individual middle or high schooler.

Navigate IRL Prep Academy


Navigate IRL Prep Academy *